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Differences Between Public, Private & Hybrid Cloud


Infographic created by HotWire Networks, a web hosting company

Cloud computing has had a transformative effect on business IT in a relatively short period of time. Like all major technological advancements, however, there can be a lot of confusion and uncertainty about it as companies get a feel for its capabilities and variations. For example, although it’s discussed under the all-encompassing term of “the cloud,” the reality is there are many ways your business can utilize cloud computing. The model you select can have a tremendous impact on what you get out of it and how it can help you, so you need to take the time to understand all the options available to you. What might be right for you may not be the best choice for a company in another position.

In short, there are three main types of cloud computing, each with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. If you want to harness the power of this technology in the most effective manner, it’s necessary to familiarize yourself with the inherent qualities and drawbacks of each.

The three main types of cloud computing are public, private and hybrid. The key differences between them revolve around who owns the infrastructure of servers and who uses them. The public model, for example, is one in which the servers are owned and operated by a third party. Under this arrangement, the cloud is shared by multiple organizations and delivered through the internet. Although this is a very cost-effective option, it comes with some significant limitations. If you choose this model, you won’t have the customization options you would with other types, and you may not be comfortable with the security vulnerabilities it presents.

A private cloud is one that is devoted to a single organization and is typically used for sharing advanced and classified data within the network. This model provides more customization and control, but it’s much more expensive and doesn’t work as well on mobile devices. The hybrid type of cloud uses a mix of public and private infrastructure to deliver resources to those on the network, providing the users with greater flexibility and scalability but at the cost of added complexity and more maintenance requirements.

The cloud has the power to transform the way your organization does business, but you need to know what kind will work best for you. To learn more about the various types of cloud models and what makes them unique, take a look at the accompanying resource.

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